Shotgun or Sniper? Choose Your SEO Outreach Tactic


Shotgun or Sniper? Choose Your SEO Outreach Tactic

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), backlinks remain a critical factor in determining your site’s credibility and ranking on Google. While the process is intricate, the essential takeaway is clear: links from reputable sites can significantly enhance your brand visibility and authority.

However, acquiring these coveted high-quality backlinks demands a proactive approach, and SEO outreach is the strategy that facilitates this process. To successfully garner links from high-authority sources such as The New York Times, you need to strategically present something of value to the publishers or content creators you are targeting.

The Value Proposition of SEO Outreach

Your pitch must encapsulate something that resonates with their audience. This increases your chances of being credited with a backlink to your site, which is the primary goal of this outreach. To assist in your efforts, here are nine creative ideas for valuable content you might offer to prospective publishers:

  • Data-driven infographics
  • Exclusive interviews with industry leaders
  • In-depth case studies
  • Comprehensive guides or eBooks
  • Innovative tools or resources
  • Original industry research findings
  • Curated lists of top resources or tools
  • Engaging videos or webinars
  • Timely news articles relating to trends in your sector

While this list is not exhaustive, it serves as inspiration to identify something valuable from your industry that can effectively appeal to publishers.

Finding the Right Audience

Identifying a suitable audience for your outreach strategy can be streamlined with tools like Ahrefs’ Content Explorer. For instance, if your goal is to pitch a fresh series of SEO statistics, beginning with a broad search term like “SEO statistics” can lead you to relevant blogs or publications that have previously engaged with similar content.

Once you’ve pinpointed specific blogs that align with your target audience, it’s beneficial to organize your findings in a spreadsheet. This technique can be deployed using a simple link prospect template to track each of your SEO outreach efforts systematically.

The Art of Crafting a Compelling Pitch

After you’ve identified valuable content and an appropriate audience, the next step is to formulate a compelling pitch. Simply firing off generic emails in the hopes of securing a link is rarely effective. Here are three primary outreach approaches to consider:

1. The Shotgun Approach

As the name implies, the shotgun approach is not the most refined outreach tactic; it involves sending non-personalized outreach emails to numerous link prospects. The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity and speed. You do not need specialized tools—just a basic email account will suffice.

Using the shotgun approach, you might create an email template that could look like this:

Subject: Increase Your Site's Authority

Hi there,

I wanted to inform you about our latest resource that your audience might find valuable.

The Team

Despite the lack of personalization, this template’s quick preparation has undeniable appeal, especially for beginners in SEO outreach or those needing to disseminate a message rapidly. However, the downside is that such emails can come off as spammy and may hurt your brand’s reputation if used excessively.

2. The Sniper Approach

Conversely, the sniper approach is characterized by its intensive manual effort and laser-focused targeting. Unlike the shotgun method, every outreach email is crafted specifically for its recipient, incorporating elements that acknowledge their work and interests.

Here’s an example of how a sniper style email might look:

Subject: Loved Your Article on SEO Strategies!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I really enjoyed your recent piece on SEO strategies. I just released an in-depth guide on related statistics that I believe your audience would find valuable.

Looking forward to your thoughts!
Best regards,
[Your Name]

This approach requires a keen understanding of your link prospects. Ask yourself these three questions to create a more tailored experience:

  • What value can I provide?
  • How does my content relate to their audience?
  • What unique perspective can I share?

To improve your chances of success, ensure your outreach emails adhere to the following checklist:

  • Personalize it: Use the recipient’s name and mention specific content they’ve created.
  • Engaging Subject Line: Create a subject that captures attention.
  • Be Human: Write authentically, stating your intention clearly.
  • State Purpose: Explain why you’re reaching out and the benefits for them.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain respect and professionalism throughout.
  • Call to Action: Clearly articulate the next steps you wish for them to take.
  • Show Gratitude: Thank them for their time and consideration.
  • Proofread: Ensure your email is free of typos or grammatical errors.
  • Compliance: Make sure your email follows privacy and email marketing regulations.

Comparing Approaches

In direct comparison, the sniper approach often yields a higher success rate than the shotgun method thanks to its personalized nature. The sniper strategy is particularly effective for firms with a solid link profile aiming for a steady influx of high-quality backlinks from reputable publishers.

However, the sniper technique’s requirement for personalization and in-depth research makes it less scalable and resource-intensive, often demanding superior negotiation skills for link acquisition and usually necessitating follow-ups to secure results. This can render the method time-consuming.

A Hybrid Strategy: The Scoped Shotgun Approach

The scoped shotgun approach elegantly merges the advantages of both previous methods. It leverages automated personalization through dynamic variables, making it easier to scale while improving the success rate over traditional shotgun tactics.

Utilizing dynamic variables allows for a reasonable level of customization in your outreach emails, enhancing the likelihood that they won’t be perceived as spam. Here’s an example of how to effectively incorporate dynamic variables into a pitch:

Subject: Thought You’d Find This Interesting, [Recipient's Name]

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I recently completed a study on [Topic] and thought it might resonate with your audience based on your excellent content on [Related Topic]. Would love to discuss this further!

[Your Name]

This strategy optimizes the strengths of both the sniper and shotgun methods, ensuring your outreach is both efficient and effective.


In the realm of SEO outreach, choosing between the shotgun and sniper approaches ultimately depends on your specific objectives, available resources, and the nature of your content. By tailoring your outreach strategy and employing effective tactics, you can significantly enhance your chances of earning valuable backlinks and elevating your website’s authority in search engine rankings.