Enterprise Link Building & The Power Of Links


The Significance of Link Building in Enterprise Companies

Big enterprises, due to their established reputation and clientele, collect several links organically. While they encounter some difficulties concerning link creation, their stature and fiscal standing open up a myriad of possibilities.

The Relevance of Links

Links serve various functions in numerous Google algorithms, including ‘Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness’ (E-E-A-T). As per Google, its algorithms recognize indicators concerning pages that align with authenticity and authority. The most renowned signal of these is PageRank, which employs web links to comprehend authority.

An experiment I conducted to gauge the implications of links established that removing credible links via the disavow tool results in a decline in both the page rankings and user traffic.

Implementing Link Building in an Enterprise Setting

The majority of teams functioning within big organizations grapple with similar hurdles. Triumphing in these behemoth structures necessitates not only expertise in your field, but also proficiencies in navigating internal politics, sales, and project management.

Now, let us delve into the pragmatic approach to link building within such settings.

1. Initial Preparations

Initially, you need to devise a comprehensive plan and identify the personnel you will need for approvals and execution. This issue is more profound in some cases where you must seek consent from legal and compliance teams. Unfortunately, this is where most projects hit a brick wall, as projects requiring legal approval usually end up being shelved.

2. Budget Approvals

A pivotal challenge is securing funding for the projects. The best strategy to overcome this hurdle is to correlate the projects with revenue, or an equivalent value metric. For instance, I was able to bring redirect projects to fruition by equating each referring domain recovered as a $400 value.

3. Prioritization of Link Building

Given the myriad of products and services typically offered by big enterprises, choosing the pages to build links to is not straightforward. My advice is to align this with the organization’s or team’s objectives. You will get buy-in for link building projects if you focus on boosting products that the company prioritizes.

4. Involvement of Other Teams

In large corporate entities, link building is not solely delegated to the SEO team. These corporations have extensive exposure and embark on a spectrum of activities that end up earning them links.

5. Link Building Alternatives

If you are unsure about where to commence, the ‘Links’ segment in the Opportunities report on Site Explorer is an excellent starting point. This report provides shortcuts to other reports laden with filters to aid you in your tasks. Additionally, you might consider creating ‘linkable assets’ or strategic content designed to attract links.